Saturday, May 31, 2008

Be blessed

The FOUR blessed looks:
1. Look back and thank God.
2. Look forward and trust God.
3. Look around and serve God. 4.
Look within and find God!

I asked God, 'How do I get the best out of life?'
God said,
'Face your past without regrets,
handle your present with confidence,
and prepare for the future without fear!

'Without God, our week is:
Mournday, Tearsday, Wasteday, Thirstday,
Fightday, Shatterday and Sinday.
So, allow Him to be with you every day!'

Life is short, so forgive quickly.
Believe slowly.
Love truly.
Laugh uncontrollably.

Never regret anything that makes you happy Time is like a river.
You cannot touch the same water twice, because the flow that has passed will never pass again. Enjoy every moment of life.

Have a blessed daytoday

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


I am a wife and a mother and extremely proud of that fact. If I could I would wear a badge everyday declaring it to all. Not only am I proud to be a wife and a mother, I also take my responsibilities VERY seriously. I'm always reading and getting more information that'll help me improve myself as I minister to the needs of my home and family members. This quest for more knowledge takes me far and wide all over cyberspace wherever I can find women discussion groups or blogs.

Lately, I've been so absorbed with reading other women's blogs. These are christian women who are usually full time homemakers and mostly homeschool their children. They are passionate about their responsibilities and take it as an assignment from God which they must not fail at. I must say that I've been blessed by these women and I thank each one of them for taking the time to share a bit of their world. From them I see what's new, who has some good advice, how other women are ordering their homes, how other women train their children.

Some of these women are also passionate about the earth and are committed to doing their bit to protect the environment. Many are committed recyclers and I find this highly laudable.

Some however, advocate cloth diapering and I am amused by this. While I try to respect other peoples opinions I find it strange that after so much avdancement made by man some would think of going back to the ages when babies are made to endure those horrible stinky nappies, eew!!! I appreciate that the thinking behind the cloth diapering idea is that a reduction in the use of disposable diapers would reduce the amount of resources being used to produce the diapers and hence kindness to the earth. But surely, disposable diapers made from biodegradeable materials might be a better answer to our environmental challenge.

I shudder to imagine how uncomfortable those poor babies must be whose mothers chose to swathe their tender bottoms in cloth diapers / nappies. After a couple of pees those cloth diapers begin to stink as bacteria interacts with the urine, the diapers are bulky and tend to bunch up between the baby's legs causing more discomfort, the fabric sometimes arre too rough especially against a baby's soft skin and which mother can honestly say she enjoys washing loads of soiled nappies everyday ( even with a washing machine).

The essence of civilisation is that we grow and develop better ways of doing things. There are people who worked long and hard to bring us to the level where we are at now and we must not take their efforts for granted. There are loads of women here in Africa who cannot afford to buy a packet of disposable diapers for their children but who desperately need the convienience of swathing their babies bottoms in them because the demands of a heavy work schedule cannot afford them the time to frequently change and wash cloth diapers.

While the proposition for cloth diapering is gaining momentum, some women have gone way ahead of the crowd to suggest the use of reusable sanitary pad. I read recently on a blog, directions for sewing the reusable sanitary pads. This reminds me of what my grandma told me about how they used to handle their periods in her days. I say a big eew!!! to this.

I think people in the western world, as they are called, have become too civilized that the are now suffering from what must surely be overcivilisation.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Your Hidden Talent
You are both very knowledgeable and creative.
You tend to be full of new ideas and potential - big potential.
Ideas like yours could change the world, if you build them.
As long as you don't stop working on your dreams, you'll get there.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Continual feast

'He who is of a merry heart has continual feast' - Proverbs 15:15b
That is today's bible verse from daily snippets from the word ( widget on the lefthand side).
Was going to post about my day but when I read that verse, I shanged my mind.
Noe am going to find sites with clean jokes and make merry.
Why dont you do the same, abi you no want continual feast?

Sunday, March 9, 2008

....and David encouraged himself in the Lord!!!

'into every life some rain must fall'
Well, it feels like I've been hit by a storm. It has left me feeling a horrible shade of blue all weekend.
My business has been suffering for sometime now. We badly need to recapitalise to be able to compete in the field. This has been the challenge I've been battling with for sometime now. I've tried the banks but not much has come from them. Customers are being lured away and the more we lose customers the less able we are in meeting their needs. The facts are not unknown to me and I've been trying to get a way out.
The rubbing of salt in open wound came on Friday when a member of staff dropped a report on my desk at the close of day. The report was on a meeting they had held, without my knowledge, on the situation of things in the business- as if I didnt already know.
Now am not upset with them for feeling concerned, but I feel dejected because am being reminded of things I have very little control over. I feel that they should have been more sensitive.
All weekend I've been experiencing a cocktail of emotions ranging from fear, anger, defeat and self pity.
In the midst of my inner turmoil, I am reminded of David in 1st Samuel 30:6. This must have been a really distressing time for David, to experience personal loss and yet be blamed for the losses of others. I can easily identify him at this time, someone who has been declared as righteous- 1 Samuel 24: 17-20, now faces a mutiny and the risk of being assainated. He was weak from crying over his losses, whats a man to do?
He did something very strange. He encouraged himself in the Lord. he reminded himself that his God is far bigger than any problem or situation, that his mandate is not from man but from God, that God is faithful and can be trusted in every instance, that even when things are not in line with our own expectations, God's plan for us are far more beautiful than we can ever imagine and though it may seem slow in coming we should wait for it.
David encouraged himself in the Lord and his faith in God grew, his faith was renewed, he sought God, he heard God, he believed God, he followed God's instruction and he was rewarded.
And the moral of this story.....................?
I should stop here, find a quite spot and encourage myself in the Lord.
No one is going to encourage me so I might as well do it for myself
Have a blessed week.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

As easy as candy

"As easy as taking candy from a baby"

Who ever said that obviously knows nothing about children or hasnt ever tried taken candy or anything from a baby.

If my earlier post left you feeling like am one of those mamas blessed with an cute adorable girl child then I apologise.

Well, she is quite cute ( dont mind if I say so myself) but sometimes she behaves like a pikin!!!

As I compose this post, I really dont know whether to laugh or be upset or just generally be ashamed of myself( please advise).

Lemme explain the situation:

I havent eaten a proper meal all day thanks to Nepa ( actually I ran out of gas & cant go out to top up the cylinder cos Shafu's ill), so in short am very hungry.

Then uncle J brought a meat pie for Shafu - Uncle J is Auntie T's beau and he is seriously courting Shafu cos she is going to be little bride at their wedding later in the year.

Anyways I had to give the pie to her royal majesty so that she can properly thank uncle J, which she refused to do.

Me, being her very hungry mother who is also insughtful enogh to know that a child of 23 months cant possibly finish a whole pie by herself, then proceeded on the arduos task of trying to score half a meatpie off a toddler. Which is no mean feat I assure you!!!

I tried everything, I begged, cajoled, sang,( talk about singing for ones supper!),danced and even put on my LISTEN-TO-ME-RIGHT-NOW-I'M-YOUR-MOTHER growl, for where ??? Nothing worked. The little madam just turned around went to the other side of the room plopped herself on the carpet - breaking off a third of the pie in the process, nibbling a smidgen and crumbling the rest all over the carpet in an ecstatic glee.

Guess who will sweep the carpet.....................................................

Yep!!! Her hungry, househelpless mother!!! GOD DEY.

Monday, February 25, 2008

''Aafu daddy''

Shafu : ''Aafu daddy''

Mr. : ''I love you too baby''

Shafu : ''Aafu daddy''
Mr. : ''I love you too my love''

Shafu : ''Aafu daddy''
Mr. : ''I love you too darling''

Shafu : ''Aafu daddy''
Mr. : ''I love you too baby''( this time a little bit louder just incase the tike is playing deaf or something)

Shafu : ''Aafu daddy''
Mr. : ''I LOVE YOU'' (he looks at me for explanations)

This is an exchange I witnessed recently between Shafu and her dad.

On the face of it, its nothing but a sweet little girl expressing her love for her dear papa. But I was so moved by this exchange that I began to ponder about this thing called love.

Off the top of my head, I'd say that love is an expressed feeling of deep appreciation for someone or something. When I say 'I love you' am expressing verbally my deep appreciation for you.

To my mind love not expressed is love not felt. I dont think its possible to feel love and it not finding an avenue for expression through you to the object of your affection.

Love is expressed verbally, in writing, in actions, through gift giving, through offering help and the list is endless.

To express ones love is a great thing to do not only for the one expressing the love but majorly for the recipient of such a love.

There is no prescibed method for saying 'I love you'.

The feeling I get when Shafu says ''Aafu mummy'' is soooo good that I often just throw my arms around her and give her a big hug plus lots of kisses. At moments like that it doesnt matter what naughtiness she has just pepetrated or what contraband she is trying to reach, that cute little phrase just makes me feeeeel sooooo good, sooooo valued, sooooo appreciated, its awesome!!!

You'd think I should be immune to it by now cos I hear it everyday an average of twenty-five times( no kidding). The other day, I was in the bath( I'll post about this soon), and in the 15 or so minutes it took me to wash, she must have said ''Aafu'' at least 8 times( she was standing at the doorway).
As I write, I've heard her say it twice and am sure more will still come before am done, but I just love it everytime she expresses her love for me-her mother. I get the same goody goody feeling each time, its amazing.

I think of my reaction to this sincere, open and spontaneous show of affection and I wonder how my heavenly father feels anytime I express my love for Him. Surely it must please Him too.

When Shafu says she loves me, its not because I've just bought her an icecream cone or candy, nor is it because I've done any special thing for her. She just comes out with it at moments when am not expecting it and thats what makes it so much special.

So am thinking I should borrow a leaf from her in my relationship with my father in heaven. The expression of my love to Him should be spontaneous, free and easy, sincere and with no strings attached.
It shouldn't be about what I want or what I've just recieved. Hitherto, my love for God is expressed more at times when am trying to arm twist the father for something big(like my brand new Highlander- which am yet to recieve)

From Shafu's example, I realise that half way through a meal I can look up to heaven and say ''I love daddy'', whilst sorting a pile of laundry I can spare a second to say ''I love you daddy'', just before the orange light turns green I can say ''I love you God''. Nothing more to it just a simple expression of love that is guaranteed to melt the heart of the father and like I often just throw my arms around my daughter and enfold her in a big hug, wouldn't it be nice to be enfolded within the arms of the Almighty?

You've spent too much time reading this why dont you just stop now and turn your thoughts towards heaven, open your mouth and say it........

''AAFU GOD!!!''